Saturday, November 26, 2005

It's in my interest to choose to think positively

"You are the creator of all that occurs in all of your life experience.You create your physical life experience through your thoughts. Literally, every thought that you think gives birth to a creation."

Abraham-Hicks, From the workshop recording 2/12/94. All quotes are copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications - see link in sidebar.

Then it's certainly worth it to think things that I enjoy, that please me, to think about what I want, believe it's possible, and to make choices during the day that feel good to me. Why not? I'm getting much better at this type of thinking all the time and realizing that thinking negatively was a habit. I'm finding I have the ability to choose to think positively. I can distract myself with things I enjoy. I was barefoot today and dropped something very heavy and pointed on the top of my foot. It really hurt. I limped into my office and read some articles in How to Survive a Day Job While Pursuing the Creative Life by Joel Eisenberg. Artists, writers and entrepreneurs were interviewed or wrote articles describing how they practiced their craft, how they view success and the types of jobs they did until they could earn their living at what they love. The articles are very short, interesting and inspiring. After reading two or three articles I realized my foot didn't hurt a bit. Works for me!

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