Monday, February 27, 2006

Abraham-Hicks: We are powerful when joyful. It's our natural state of being

If you have a subject that makes you uncomfortable when you think about it, it means there is strong desire related to it. Which means it really, really, really matters. So finding a way to think about it and feel good is your work. But it is equally effective to think about anything else and feel good, and let it in. You don't have to think about money in order to let in money. You just can't think about lack of money, to let in money.

Abraham-Hicks, North Los Angeles, CA - 8/13/01

You don't have to work at your high vibration. Your higher, purer vibration is natural to you. But you do have to let go of the thought that is holding your vibration down.


You are only as's the key for you..You are only as powerful as you are joyful in the moment!


Each point of view matters, every request is granted and, as this amazing Universe unerringly expands, there is no end to the Universal resources that fulfill these requests. And, there is no end to the answers to the never-ending stream of questions - and, for that reason, there is no competition. It is not possible for someone else to receive the resources that were meant for you and, you cannot selfishly squander resources that were intended for someone else. All desires are answered, all requests are granted, and no one is left unanswered, unloved, or unfulfilled. When you stay aligned with your Energy Stream, you always win - and somebody else does not have to lose for you to win. There is always enough!

Abraham-Hicks, ASK AND IT IS GIVEN, page 86

We want to find ways to convince you that the Well-being that you've been asking for is being answered. Your wish is granted. Now it's time for you to start accepting that it is done. In other words, "The financial institution has granted my request for a home loan. The school I have chosen for my child is fantastic. My body feels great. The money is flowing. My mate truly adores me. I have creations within me that are expanding. There is beauty before me. Every day of my life will be delicious. My future is bright. There is no such thing as decline. I am a vessel continually infused with powerful Energy. Well-being truly abounds. The earth spins in its orbit. The tomatoes continue to grow. My cells know what to do. My breathing mechanism is perfect. My metabolism is perfect. My elimination system is perfect. My blood knows what to do...

- Abraham-Hicks -

Abraham-Hicks quotes copyright by Abraham-Hicks Publications. For more information visit

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