Monday, March 20, 2006

Abraham-Hicks: You live in a state of grace

You live in a state of grace. You forget that when you feel good, only good things can come to you. It's just a matter of relaxing, and things will come.

Abraham-Hicks, 1/23/94

Abraham-Hicks quotes copyright by Abraham-Hicks Publications. For more information visit


  1. Dear Suzzane.

    I’m from Colombia, South America.

    I'm a writer of fiction novels and short stories, and have been reading Abraham teachings for a while. In “Ask and it is given” I understand the scripting process and have been using it.

    But in my profession as a fiction writer, I have to create violent and troublesome characters, necessary to make the stories interesting, and have to think in those characters for a long time to understand them… and even think like them.

    So the question is: Am I attracting all that drama and violence of that character? How can I write this kind of fiction without affecting my vibration?

    All best,


  2. Dear H.D.

    This is a great question! Abraham says that we attract by how we feel and you are the only one who knows what that is. You are the only one that knows what is right for you.

    If you feel good, happy, loving and in that vibrational range, your thoughts are in harmony with your Inner Being and you are allowing well-being to flow. You will attract well-being to you.

    If you don't feel good then you are pinching off your connection.

    It really depends on how you feel and your intention. Someone who writes the books you describe could have a strong desire for justice and could feel good about writing that book.

    Something helpful is to find a way to soothe yourself right now. Ask the Law of Attraction Manager to send you good feeling thoughts and listen to what comes to your mind.

    There is no need to fear, but there may be a need for you to make a change if it really doesn't feel right to you.

    You may or may not be able to write that type of fiction any more. If you find it disturbing it might be good to ask the Law of Attraction manager for inspiration and success in books that feel better to you to write.

    Know that because you are asking, the answer is given! That the Universe has already lined up experiences and thoughts and all kinds of wonderful things to delight you and bring you the answer you are seeking.

    I'm going to just jot some thoughts now and hopefully be able to pull some quotes together in a post this weekend.

    So, the truth is, there's not one path. The truth is, there's not only one right path. The truth is, all paths can be made to be the right path. The truth is, that every individual has a different path. And that different path that every individual is launching incrementally and amending constantly--that true path is known by Source and is guided by Source if you will pay attention to the way you feel.

    Abraham-Hicks, From the workshop recording 10/13/04

  3. Thanks for your helpful answer Suzanne, I really appreaciate it.

    All best,

