Sunday, May 14, 2006

Abraham-Hicks: The future is Now

New desire is what summons the Source and carries what is now into the future experience. But the thing that's tricky about the future experience is that the future never gets here, because the moment that it approaches -- it becomes now. Tomorrow never comes because when it gets here, it's today.

Abraham-Hicks, 10/2/04

Think about something that you want. Now think about how long you think it will take to have it.

That's how long it will take before you will allow yourself to have it.

And that's fine. There's a quote in the Abundance post below reminding us that we don't want or need everything to come to us all at once. But, if you would like it to come sooner, then just lazily look at the beliefs that indicate how long it will take. And then just kind of sneakily think about them and then just kind of adjust them a little bit at a time. It's all here right now. It's just a kind of lazy, sidling up to what you want and sitting down next to it, and holding it's hand and smiling and getting comfortable with it.

I relax, trust God, and let God's good come to me.

Abraham-Hicks quotes copyright by Abraham-Hicks Publications. For more information visit

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