Friday, May 19, 2006

Abraham-Hicks: How much of my day am I in harmony with my desires?

The things that we would be asking ourselves is, "What proportion of my day am I in vibrational harmony with my desires, which means, how much of my day am I happy, glad, eager, fulfilled, satisfied, complimentary? And what percentage of my day am I ornery, irritated, frustrated, or blaming?" And you don't have to do 100%, you don't have to do 90%, you don't have to do 80%. If you could even get around 55% feeling better, than not feeling so good -- you'd have significant movement in what begins to happen in your experience.

Abraham-Hicks, 8/11/01

"What proportion of my day am I in vibrational harmony with my desires, which means, how much of my day am I happy, glad, eager, fulfilled, satisfied, complimentary?

Boy, that part of the quote really struck me when I read it. I hadn't thought of it that way, and again, this is another reminder to me that what we are about in life is how we think and feel, not what is going on in the "outside" world.

What I mean is, I have been thinking that I wasn't feeling good because of what I was thinking or because I was focusing on something and not liking it. And that is a way to think of it in reality creation terms. But this quote gives me a different perspective and I like it. I just hadn't thought of being grumpy or complaining as choosing to not be in harmony with my desires. Of course I want what I want! I love feeling good! I love having the stuff that I want!! I enjoy the heck out of it.

So, I have a choice. I can choose to enjoy what I have now and what I know is coming to me (because we ask and Source Energy answers immediately) or I can dicker around being grumpy or out of sorts about something I'm doing or seeing and keep away the good feelings and delightful things and experiences that I want.

It puts everything in perspective for me. I'd much rather have fun. I don't really care about the things that bother me and now I've learned that if I want something different I can give my request to the Universe and let it be taken care of.

I relax, trust God, and allow God's good to come to me.

...Sounds like a plan.

Have a beauty of a day!
Abraham-Hicks quotes copyright by Abraham-Hicks Publications. For more information visit

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