Sunday, May 21, 2006

Abraham-Hicks on feeling good

The most unimpressive of actions can be as fulfilling as the most impressive because Source does not feel better in one endeavor than another. It's not what you're doing, it's how you are allowing the Energy to flow through while you are doing it that makes the difference in life. That's why there are joyful gardeners and joyful surgeons, and joyful postal workers.

Abraham-Hicks, 11/23/02

You say, "May I have..." or, "I would really like to have..." or, "What I really want is..." and you can name anything under the sun that you can conjure, and the Universe calmly says, "Here it is," because it is known by All-That-Is that anything that you desire -- can be. So, "Yes, here it is."

Abraham-Hicks, 9-15-04-B

You just have to be who you are. The best you can do is be certain that you are connected to your Source Energy, and let everybody else figure it out for themselves. Some of them will adore you, some of them will hate you and none of it has anything to do with you. Choose what feels good to you and leave everybody else to choose what they want. Don't spend any time saying, "They should choose differently and they'd feel better." Instead say, "They're choosing whatever they're choosing; I'm choosing what I'm choosing, and I'm feeling good while I'm choosing it." And let that be the end of it.

Abraham-Hicks, 5/8/01-B

How do you ever get the truth to be more the way you want it to be? You've just got to start beating the drums of truth the way you want it to be -- and when you do, you will immediately feel good. And there are those who might say, "Oh, you're not facing the fact." And we say, we would never face any fact that was taking us to a place we don't want to be. There are those who believe that the world is getting more and more desperate. We are here to tell you that the world is getting better and better, and better, and that every experience you have causes you to launch rockets of desires, and Source comes in response to those rockets. And the best thing about your birth and death is that the resistant ones die and the allowing ones are born. And with this combination of contrast that keeps you launching new and new desires, it's no wonder that the Universe is expanding in this marvelous way and that life is getting better, in every day -- and in this moment -- for everyone who insists on focusing there.

Abraham-Hicks, 7/12/03-B

You are the creator of your own experience. Be easy about all of this. Life is supposed to be fun. Lighten up. Play more. Laugh more. Make more fun of more things. Hang around with people who make you laugh. Go to places that make you feel good. Make the best of every situation. Look for the positive aspects of where you live. Look for things to do. Keep your mind busy. Focus upon things that feel good. Bring many people into your life. Make more decisions in every day. Have fun with all of this. Life is supposed to be fun. You are the directors of Energy -- and your thought is the process by which you direct. There is so much love here for you. We are complete.

Abraham-Hicks, 11/2/02-B

We would like to leave you with this very clear knowing that we hold: You are just a few laughs away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in. You are just a few kisses away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in. You are just a little bit of relief away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.

Abraham-Hicks, G-3-5-05
Abraham-Hicks quotes copyright by Abraham-Hicks Publications. For more information visit

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