Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Abraham-Hicks: It doesn't matter if you don't get it done, it's just fun to do it

When you are really in the flow with your Inner Being, ideas come easily they are implemented easily. It's fun while you are in the process of them, and it doesn't matter how they unfold; and nothing can go wrong, and it doesn't matter if you don't get it done, it's just fun to do it. Your Inner Being feels no limit. So, anything that feels like limits is something that you have self-imposed.

Abraham-Hicks, 3/15/03

I can read an Abe quote one day and see one thing and another day see something entirely new. I just looked at the above quote this morning and this stands out: doesn't matter if you don't get it done.... My protestant work ethic looks at this quote and thinks "What??!!" LOL

I woke up this morning thinking about the work I was setting up for myself for the next few months and that it was from my old way of thinking. Is it fun? Yes, in some ways and my desires have been answered in many ways. I'm in training to do taxes beginning in January. I like learning something new, the bosses are great, they are opening a new office a few blocks from my house which will be a special plus in the winter, I like having money flow, and while I've never done taxes before, this type of work is familiar to me. I was thinking last night in class that I am learning ways that will help me manage money, invest it, and be wise about handling it. I have been desiring money and LOA has brought me work that will be dealing with money.

Is it my bliss? Not quite yet! I think the most fun I've had this year was writing purple prose for a contest. It was so easy and so much fun to write and there was a bonus: our entries were numbered and we were to vote on our choices for a final round. The numbers for my favorites looked like lottery numbers to me; I played them and won $200. They didn't have any big bills when I cashed it in and I can still remember how much fun it was to have them count out this big stack of money in my hand. I've been thinking that it would be great to get a job where I wrote purple prose for a living. Writing the book jackets or blurbs for romance novels kind of fits in that category. I wonder if that is a specific job and one person who writes them for a publisher?

When you are really in the flow with your Inner Being, ideas come easily they are implemented easily. It's fun while you are in the process of them, and it doesn't matter how they unfold; and nothing can go wrong, and it doesn't matter if you don't get it done, it's just fun to do it. Your Inner Being feels no limit. So, anything that feels like limits is something that you have self-imposed.

Abraham-Hicks, 3/15/03

My loving connection with my Inner Being flows to me and through me as joy.

Ideas come to me easily.

My ideas are implemented easily.

Everything about my ideas is fun to me.

I don't care how my ideas unfold, I just enjoy them.

I'm carefree. Whatever happens with my ideas is always right for me.

It doesn't matter if I get it done or not. I'm totally relaxed about it.

I have fun playing with my ideas.

I just have fun. There's nothing I need to do or should do or have to do. I have no limits.
Abraham-Hicks quotes copyright by Abraham-Hicks Publications. For more information visit

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