Monday, December 25, 2006

Chief Joseph: Creating Peace by Finding it in your own Heart

Chief Joseph


When you have found peace in the only place you will ever find it -- within your own hearts -- then, and only then, will you be in a place of power. A place from which you are empowered to begin creating peace on earth.

One person, centered in her/his own still, quiet place within, is a million times more powerful than all the armies who ever marched across the centuries.

That is how powerful each of you is.

And so if you want to create peace on earth, know you absolutely must create it within yourselves first.

When you reach the point in your growth, as a human race, where your government leaders are truly peaceful -- peaceful warriors, you might say -- only then will you stand a chance of realizing this seemingly elusive goal of peace among all people on the planet.

Of course, when you reach that point, you won't need government leaders. You won't even need governments. And you won't need boundaries and borders to separate yourselves from each other.

Then you will find true peace on earth.

An impossible dream? You may see it that way. We don't.

Centuries upon centuries of war across your planet have not brought you peace. There must be a better way. And there is -- YOU are the way.

What really intrigues me is this, "One person, centered in her/his own still, quiet place within, is a million times more powerful than all the armies who ever marched across the centuries."

I know from college physics that there is a constant dance from energy to matter and back again. We are not solid and neither is anything else -- it's constantly being created. String theory states that "the fundamental ingredients of nature are inconceivably tiny strands of energy, whose different modes of vibration underlie everything that happens in the Universe."

Our bodies are composed of these "fundamental ingredients of nature" -- money, trees, animals, those we love, everything that is. And Abraham is telling us there is only a stream of well-being. When we are aligned with well-being, we are aligned with the creative forces of the Universe. And it is so powerful to align with this well-being that the alignment continues out into the world, not only to those we contact, but in ways we may not be able to imagine.
The loving words of Chief Joseph are channeled by John Cali. Visit John's web site for more articles, information about readings, or to sign up for his newsletter, Sentinels of the Sky at

Copyright © 2006 by Great Western Publishing -- All rights reserved. December 20, 2006 issue. Article posted with permission of John Cali.

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