Thursday, January 18, 2007

Abraham-Hicks on reality and dreams, deciding to see your Vibrational Escrow

Q: I had a very lucid dream once where I was in a forest... and it felt like this moment now, just as real. And somehow I felt that I would go deeper into the dream and forget that this current experience ever existed. And I was afraid of that movement, and so I woke myself back up. But when I awoke, it made me contemplate what this right now is and if perhaps I could be really dreaming this and have forgotten that this is a dream.

Abe: Well, from our perspective you are dreaming this. In other words, the reality that is really real is the broader, nonphysical part of you. Everything is perceptual -- in other words, the only reason that this reality looks and feels and smells and tastes and sounds so real is because you have vibrational interpreters that interpret the energy. So in your dream state, at another level of consciousness, you are interpreting the energy and having a different experience.

We don't want you to ever worry about the realness of that which is here, but we don't want the realness of that which is here to limit you and make you think that that's all that is real. In other words, in this world that you call physical, that is occupied by a few billion human ones, [are] as many worlds as are perceivers of it. In other words, what is real is as you perceive it to be.

A dream is your re-emergence into nonphysical, achieving vibrational alignment with who you are then, and then as you come back into your [waking] state, the entire dream actually takes place as that which you know from nonphysical is translated back into a physical equivalent that you can make sense of. Dreams don't happen all night long -- we don't care what their meters are telling you. The dream is downloaded almost instantaneously as you are coming back into conscious awareness.

An out-of-body experience varies from a dream in this way: when you find vibrational alignment with who you really are, you can catch a glimpse of whatever your Inner Being is glimpsing at. So sometimes an out-of-body experience will show you another world, sometimes it will show you this world -- but what an out-of-body experience is, is you perceiving through the uncluttered eyes of who you really are. And we would say that this dream that you are describing was more of an out-of-body experience than it was a dream. But [it's] hard to tell the difference because from your human perspective it was different from this reality.

You are right, you are so much more than the one who is focused here in this physical body. But you came here with great and powerful intent to be here, and there is no place you would rather be -- that is our promise to you. And so while sometimes you do take escape in other thoughts, in other realms, in other dimensions, you are fulfilling your reason for being here, and this is where the whole of you wants to be focused.


Abraham-Hicks, Washington, DC, 5/1/04

Make a decision to have an out-of-body experience where your Inner Being gives you a glimpse of your Vibrational Escrow. We think it would be good for all of you. We think it would be really good for you to get a glimpse of your Vibrational Escrow because when you get a glimpse of it, before you can see it, you have to feel worthy of it. In other words, you can't see it until you feel worthy of it even in your dreamscapes.

Make that an intention. Start writing this down -- `Inner Being, in my dream state, in my out-of-body excursions, I want a glimpse of my Vibrational Escrow' ­which means I want to work my way into a place of such worthiness that I have full view of it. And as you let that be a vibrational challenge or goal, and as you begin to accomplish it more and more in your dreamscape, then you'll begin to see it filling-in in your life experience.

Abraham-Hicks, Hawaii Cruise 12/05

Abraham-Hicks quotes copyright by Abraham-Hicks Publications. For more information visit

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