Sunday, February 25, 2007

Abraham-Hicks: The peanut butter cookies are not going to take over the counter

You understand the game of inclusion relative to some things.

Pretend that you’re standing in front of a cookie counter, and there are many kinds of cookies there -- just about every kind you’ve ever heard of is represented in this magnificent bakery.

When you stand there, inclusion comes natural to you doesn’t it. You say, ‘Well I’d like one of those and I’d like one of those.’ You don’t say, ‘Oh, look at those icky peanut butter cookies.’ You don’t say, ‘I worry that those peanut butter cookies are going to take over the counter.’ You don’t say, ‘We’d better get rid of those peanut butter cookies because you know how they spread. If we don’t nip it in the bud, they will take over.’

In other words, you don’t play the game of exclusion when you’re talking about cookies, and what we would like you to understand is it’s all about cookies.

You live in a land of contrast because contrast is essential to decision. But if you will become includers of what you do want rather than excluders of what you don’t want, you’ll purify [not contradict] your Energy. And when you begin to line up your Energy, you will be amazed at how fast the Universe responds to you.

Instant manifestations will become a daily occurrence for you when you, yourself, are not contradicting your own vibrational desires.

Abraham-Hicks, G 6-6-96

Abraham-Hicks quotes copyright by Abraham-Hicks Publications. For more information visit

Thanks to Good Things Happen To Me for this delightful Abraham cookie quote.

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