Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Chief Joseph: Your natural state of freedom

Once you are able to see the beauty and the power within yourselves, and all your brothers and sisters, it won’t matter that you are all different from every other human. You will see the differences as gifts -- unique gifts you offer to one another. And you will see the oneness you are, despite the differences.

You will see those differences as not something to fight about -- to abuse, kill, and otherwise separate yourselves from each other.

You will simply allow others to be who they are. And you will not allow who others are to determine who you are. You will let go of your need to have everyone see life as you do. You will let go of your need to have everyone be the same as you.

Once you can do that, you will be utterly and completely free. And when enough of you can do that, humanity will return to its natural state of freedom.

.... You’re free because you’ve allowed all others to be free.

Quote by permission of my friend, John Cali. Go here for the complete article by John Cali and Chief Joseph.

Since 1992, John Cali has been communicating with a non-physical entity called Joseph. In one of his many physical lifetimes, this spirit was incarnated as the legendary Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe in what is now the state of Oregon in the northwestern USA. These messages are a blend of information from Joseph, other spirits in the "Joseph group," and John.

John can be reached by email at or through their website (

Private readings with Chief Joseph are available here:

Copyright © 2007 by John Cali. All rights reserved. Quote published with permission of John Cali.

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