Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Drumming Circle for Children in Iraq, June 25, Washington, DC

Jean Campbell was the Director of Poseidia Institute in Virginia Beach when I lived there in the late 70's and early 80's. Her work was based on The Natural of Personal Reality, a Seth book by Jane Roberts. and I explored reality creation with Jean during psychic development classes and dream research experiments.

Jean continued her work on dreaming and after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 in the United States, invited dreamers to join together to dream the world toward peace. The World Dreams Peace Bridge was born.

I recently heard from Jean, who sent me information about a drumming circle to raise funds for children in Iraq. Instead of walking for charity, participants will drum for peace in Washington, DC. If you have a friend or know a group that is interested in dreamwork or would like to know how they can help, please give them this information.

Jean's email to me is an invitation to all of us to join in dreaming for peace and to contribute to this worthy cause:

As you may know, I have decided to participate with many others, especially children, in the world's largest drumming circle Monday, June 25th on the National Mall, Washington, D.C. We are gathering at the World Children's Festival to make a joyful noise, asking for PEACE for the future. Those of us participating in the 1,000 Drums Campaign are raising money to aid Iraqi children who have been traumatized by four years of war. Many of us will gather on the Mall in Washington, but we will also be joined by groups of people drumming globally.

Did you know that over 50% of all Iraqis are children under the age of 18?

According to an October 2006 survey by the Iraqi Ministry of Health, cited in USA Today, about 70% of the primary school students in many Baghdad neighborhoods suffer symptoms of trauma-related stress?. Each day these children pass by bodies lying in the street as they make their way to school. Each day more children lose parents, brothers and sisters. The wounds children suffer last long after war. We'd like to help as many children as possible.

Since 2004, the Word Dreams Peace Bridge, sponsor of the 1,000 Drums Campaign, has provided over $40,000 in direct aide to Iraqi children through its Aid for Traumatized Children Project. This money has paid for therapeutic tools that help children heal from the loss and trauma of war. One hundred percent of funds raised by this group are transferred to schools and other projects working with children traumatized by war, chaos and violence.

I am eager to get started with my fundraising and I need your support! I have pledged to raise money for the 1,000 Drums Campaign. As part of my participation, I am asking friends and families to contribute a few cents for every drum beat I sound during Drum Dance and Dream for Peace I plan on making at least 1,000 drum beats. A penny donated for each drumbeat raises $10. My personal goal is to be sponsored at $1,000 per drum beat!

Will you donate a few cents per drumbeat?

It is faster and easier than ever to support this great cause. You can make a donation online by simply clicking on the link at the bottom of this message. It will take you to a secure site where you can safely use PayPal to make a donation by credit or debit card. Donations made by check can be mailed to the address below. Whatever you can give will help! I truly appreciate your support.

Thank you for your support; you really do make a difference.

Jean Campbell for

The World Dreams Peace Bridge

Drum, Dance and Dream for Peace, June 25, 2007

To Contribute Online:



For friends and family who might prefer to send checks, they can be made out to our TAX DEDUCTIBLE umbrella 501(c)3 nonprofit, The iMAGE Project clearly marked with my name and "1,000 Drums Campaign."

The iMAGE Project
408 Elmhurst Lane
Portsmouth VA 23701

World Dreams Peace Bridge

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