Saturday, July 28, 2007

Chief Joseph: High Noon at Walmart (about our changing times)

I always love hearing from John and Chief Joseph. I just read their latest article and was so touched.

I've had peak experiences of well-being and my desire is to bring them into a smooth flow in my daily life. That means letting go of any blocks or old stuff I was holding onto. It means change.

I was feeling some distress yesterday about new opportunities that seemed beyond me and Spirit asked me what I wanted. My answer was to know that I was connected through all of the changing experiences that I'm having now. I want to walk with this loving Universe -- to experience the partnership of co-creating. The playing field for this desire is physical -- prosperity, creativity, health, relationships -- but the desire is spiritual.

Thank you, John and Chief Joseph for reminding me we are all experiencing this new energy now and I especially love the reminder that we can't help but be on the path.

Here's John:

I’m sure many of you remember that classic western film, High Noon, starring Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly (later, Princess Grace of Monaco). As a kid, it was one of my favorite movies.

John Cali

Every night at 6:00 p.m. at Buffalo Bill’s Irma Hotel in Cody, Wyoming, there’s a gunfight, Old-West style. You might even find Jesse James or Wild Bill Hickok there.

As you probably can guess, this gunfight is a nightly stunt put on for the enjoyment of summer tourists. And also to benefit the Gunfighter Charities.

However, a couple of weeks ago, there was a real gunfight in Cody -- in the Walmart parking lot, of all places! Cody, my town, is generally a very peaceful place. After all, the days of the Old West are long gone.

Nobody yet knows all the details of the Walmart gunfight, but it was obvious there were two very angry men involved. And their anger erupted into violence.

Here’s Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph

You don’t have to be particularly perceptive or observant to see what’s happening on your planet today. Explosions and eruptions of all kinds have become virtually daily events. You’re seeing the intense energies everywhere you look -- in other people, in animals, in plants, even in your Mother Earth.

If you are physically alive today, you are feeling the intensity, at some level. You may not be fully aware of it consciously, but you are feeling it. It’s having a powerful effect on all of you.

Now, this is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s a very good thing. Those of you on a conscious spiritual path know you have no choice except to grow, to change, to evolve. That, friends, is what your physical and spiritual lives are all about -- growing, changing, evolving -- and creating. Even God is changing and growing.

The difference today, however, is -- at this point in linear time -- you have reached a place no one else has ever reached in your human history.

You have different names for what’s happening -- some call it ascension, some call it shifting to a higher dimension, some call it the beginning of the second coming, etc. But it doesn’t matter what you label it. What does matter is that you reach a place of peace and joy within yourselves -- no matter what’s happening in the world around you.

You cannot shift the tides of what’s coming, any more than you can shift the tides of the oceans.

What you can do is simply go with the flow. Many of you are consciously feeling the increasing intensities in your bodies, in your relationships, in almost every aspect of your lives. We realize much of this feels uncomfortable and even painful, at least some of the time.

But if you stay attuned, aligned with your higher selves, you will move through this time with relative ease. You will all get through this, one way or another.

And you don’t have to do it the hard way. You don’t have to shoot it out at high noon at Walmart. But that is how many humans are dealing with all the intensity they’re feeling. They don’t consciously understand what’s happening. And so they erupt and explode in often-unpredictable and violent ways.

All is well, friends. This is simply a time of accelerating growth for each of you individually, and for your entire planet.

Simply do whatever feels good for you. Nurture and love yourselves. Nurture and love your families and friends. Nurture and love every living creature.

This too shall pass. It is only a step on your journey back home to God.

Related article by Suzanne:
Being in alignment is being who we really are

The loving words of Chief Joseph are channeled by John Cali. Visit John's web site for more articles, information about readings, or to sign up for his newsletter, Sentinels of the Sky at

Copyright © 2006-2007 by Great Western Publishing -- All rights reserved. Article published with permission of John Cali.


  1. Great post! Yes I really feel the intensity of whole life and it is only now I am remembering why and how to choose what I want so I feel good and not add to the negativity in our world.

  2. Hi Melba,

    I'm glad to hear from you. You definitely are adding to the positive energy in the world -- I love what you are doing with your web site and the community you support with your loving self.

    Sometimes the energy is more intense than other times and this is one of those times for me -- just so much changing. I've asked for it, but sometimes I do feel like Dorothy being carried to Oz on a whirlwind!

    Sending you much appreciation, Melba.


  3. Thats so funny you used that analogy because I often say I feel like Dorothy! (the Wizard of Oz is my favorite movie)Just yesterday I bought the CD from Wicked, the musical. It is really resonating with me. I want to go see it.

  4. Hey! What are you doing here -- I was just looking at your site!!LOL. I loved the pictures and the perspectives.

    The musical would be great to see -- especially for you because you are resonating, but also because you are so creative and can be in that energy as they create. You are so good at being aware of what is good for you.

    I know my library has The Wizard of Oz so I'm going to check it out -- I haven't seen it for years.

    You have so much good stuff on your site -- I have to do some online tutorials for work, but I'll be back to Be Alive Believe Be You soon.

    Wishing you a delight-filled day.

