Sunday, September 02, 2007

Blog Action Day: October 15

Blog Action Day asks the question, "what would happen if every blog publishes posts discussing the same issue, on the same day? One issue. One day. Thousands of voices."

The topic for the first Blog Action Day is the environment. The day of unity is October 15, 2007.

There are three ways to participate:

1. Post about the environment on October 15th.
2. Promote Blog Action Day.
3. Donate your day's earnings to an environmental charity. The sponsored charities are Greenpeace, The Nature Conservancy, National Wildlife Federation, The Sierra Club and The Conservation Fund.

Click here for information about participating in the 2008 initiative.

Finding my way to Well-Being and This Magical Earth have joined. There are over 3,735 blogs participating right now reaching an audience of 3,359,375 readers and the word is spreading quickly.

I'm really looking forward to reading about the environment from such diverse perspectives as Copyblogger, Bellydance: Experiences, and Cogito Ergo Sum.

Join in and be a part of this blogger community action -- and be sure to set aside some time to surf the web on October 15!

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