Sunday, February 26, 2006

Abraham-Hicks: Why Source Energy Appreciates Us

Q: I know I have many questions but I find that I often disavow my own knowing by asking someone who I put on a platform. And so I came to sit in the chair because I wanted to have the experience of feeling you with me, and so I could feel our commonality rather than to feel our difference, because I tend to make the difference the factor so that I diminish myself.

Abe: And we want to help you to achieve that by acknowledging to you that we would not be here expressing at all if it were not for the summoning by that which is you. It's an interesting thing -- humans want nonphysical to be complete and perfect, and they want to see themselves as unworthy and trying to catch up with that. When really what's happening is that you, in your worthiness and your perfection, have come forth into this environment in order to conjure desire that summons that which is us. So we are the support of that which you are becoming. You are the leading edge, we're following through with that which you lead.


Q: Could you just say that one more time? (Laughter.) I mean, I got it but I just want to feel it, to hear you say it again.

Abe: The appreciation that nonphysical feels for the physically-focused human who bangs around in the contrast for the express purpose of giving birth to a new desire which summons All-That-Is forward into the bright new place. And without that expansion, we would all cease to be. So you are not, and have never been, broken and substandard, trying to [get] back into Heaven or the nonphysical. You've always been the creative genius out here on the leading edge carving the path for All-That-Is to follow. We're all in this together, and as we've said many times today, we seek to blur the line between what is physical and nonphysical. We would like to imbue you fully with the fullness that is us. We would like you to consciously love you as we consciously love you. But we cannot tweak your brain to make you think -- you get to think. That's that free will. And that free will is so essential in the contrasting, comparative experience because if you did not have free will you could not conjure a new desire. And if you could not conjure a new desire we could not move forward, you see. And so we would just like you to love yourself more and allow yourself more of the benefit that you are providing for all of us. You see, whether you allow it [for yourself] or not, the Universe expands and benefits by your very presence here. And when we talk about Art of Allowing, we just want you in on the fun. Because whether you allow it or not the Universe expands and whether you know it or not you are of value. And whether you know it or not, we all benefit by your existence. When you know it, when you know your value, then you get warm, fulfilling feeling, that oneness that we think is what you're really reaching for.

Abraham-Hicks, Fort Collins, CO, 6/14/03

What do you feel when you read this? I feel very empowered. This physical life is the leading edge. What I'm desiring right now is leading edge. I used to think that I needed to catch up to non-physical -- to spirit, to my Inner Being -- to a higher way of being that didn't feel like strangling some idiot talking on their cell phone while driving or get aggravated, frustrated, or jealous. I thought I would be much more together if I were more highly evolved -- if I could just get this spiritual thing down pat my life would flow more smoothly.

It's a very freeing feeling to me to think that I have something to offer Source Energy. I like to explore..ideas, places, relationships, myself...and I feel even more enthusiasm for it when I read this. And the thing I love about Abe is that I don't have to be highly evolved, cerebral, mystical, or a guru at all. I get to choose my life. And whatever I choose is just fine.

Abraham-Hicks quotes copyright by Abraham-Hicks Publications. For more information visit

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