Saturday, February 25, 2006

Prosperity Partnership Program and Elyse Hope Killoran

On September 11, 2003, I picked up the phone and spoke to Elyse Hope Killoran about her Prosperity Partnership Program. It was literally a phone call that changed my life. I had come to the end of the line and wanted to change everything.

I was asking the question: how do we create our reality? I'd read the Jane Roberts/Seth material years ago and attended all kinds of spiritual/growth workshops; I'd read a lot of books, but it wasn't enough. I wanted to have more control over what happened in my life and how I felt.

I happened to run across Elyse's website, Choosing Prosperity, and gave her a call. Although usually occupied with clients, Elyse answered my call and when we spoke I knew this was just what I was looking for.

Elyse draws on many resources to support us in opening to abundance in every area of our life, but the Abraham-Hicks information was specifically the key piece of information for me. Abraham talks about emotions and what they mean in a way that I could clearly understand. Instead of trying to wrestle with negative feelings that seemed to hinder me and get in my way, I learned how to feel good and align with what I wanted by changing my thinking.

The ability to manifest -- to take one's visions, dreams, hopes, and fantasies and make them real -- is one of the most important skills people can learn to empower themselves and become greater lights to the world around them...The ability to create abundance will greatly add to people's ability to live rewarding and fulfilling lives. -- Sanaya Roman, Creating Money

Elyse tells her story of discovery and what has drawn her into this work. She is a loving, knowledgeable, and spirited coach. My life has changed for the better because of her and I am so grateful.

Elyse has a prosperity game, teleclasses, one-on-one coaching, a free newsletter, and many other resources on her website. There is also an opportunity to train to be a prosperity coach yourself. If you are interested in having your job be more fun, finding a loving relationship, having more prosperity, or just enjoying life more then I can highly recommend Elyse's prosperity program.

Elyse says: You too can draw to you whatever you want that will contribute to your highest good, tapping into the unlimited abundance of the universe. You have the inner resources. You have the universe's support. Your task is to learn how to consciously align your energy -- and that can be a simple thing to learn.

Move from knowing spiritual truths 'intellectually' to internalizing profound inner shifts and watch how your inner changes become reflected in your outer reality.

Become a magnet to Wisdom, Beauty, Clarity, Joy, Freedom, Money and Love -- by re-creating your life from the Inside-Out!

Next sessions begin the week of March 12th. Register for a free two-week trial to help you become optimally aligned for a powerful 2006 at: Trial Info

Today is Saturday. The sky is a clear, crisp blue and it's a beauty of a day. May your day be filled with beauty, too.

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