Monday, July 16, 2007

Kaziah Hancock paints fallen U.S. soldiers with love

I just received an email with a link to a deeply moving video about Utah artist Kaziah Hancock who paints portraits of soldiers who died in service to our country. What touched my heart the most was her love for the soldier as she painted the portrait -- she could see so much good in them.

The Project Compassion website news brief states that Kaziah "compares her compassion to a bottomless well to explain how she's able to complete painting after painting of U.S. soldiers."

Kaziah talks to the picture and painting of each soldier, seeing the best in each of them, and giving it back as she paints them. When I watched the video I could see how much love and healing was expressed in the paintings, given to the families, and how it would spread to all those who saw the portraits or this video. There is so much light in all of this.

Love in action is a very powerful force.

Go to Project Compassion for more information about the project, artists, or to find out how to request a portrait of a fallen soldier.

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