Saturday, July 14, 2007

New blogging and Internet technologies support lightworkers

A little over two weeks ago I completed my intention with this blog, to find my way to well-being with the Abraham-Hicks information.

I did find the inner connection I was looking for and now wanted to explore bringing my inner connection into the world. I had a lot of new ideas and wanted to create a web site, but didn't have the know-how to begin. So, while I'm doing my research and clarifying my ideas for something new, I'm using this blog to draft articles, explore ways of writing, and try my hand at implementing a few of those technologies. Like you, my understanding and experience of well-being always continues so I will continue to post my thoughts about it here and then plan to have a blog on my new web site.

I love writing about my own experiences, but I also really enjoy meeting the many beautiful spirits in the blogosphere. Now, in my research to create a web site, I have a growing appreciation for the ways technology can support us in building a community of lightworkers.

I feel I have just begun to enjoy the benefits waiting for me and want to share with you with the hope that you will benefit, too.

Preview of coming attractions: How site feeds help me organize information and how advertising on blogs can support our work.

More soon!

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