Monday, November 26, 2007

Chief Joseph: All you need is within

I've come out the other side of the latest transformation and I'm catching up on my RSS feeds. I appreciate having the backlog -- enjoying the good energy building in reading several posts and then going on with my day.

There is a gleaning process going on, deleting ones that no longer appeal. I notice that reading one post after another of my favorite blogs is like a meditation and I want to have more when I finally catch up on my back reading. I'm following their links to find new ones that match my energy now.

I want to express this good feeling I have by sharing the people, places, and ideas that I appreciate. This article by Chief Joseph and John Cali was especially pleasing this morning. I like the reminder that we have the support we need as long as we feel we want it, and when we no longer need it, there is something new until we eventually come to know who we are:

Many of us, especially when we were young, had a hero or heroine in our lives.

John Cali

Sometimes, we had more than one. These were people we looked up to, people we wanted to model ourselves after.

At various times in my younger years, my heroes ranged from cowboys to politicians (believe it or not!) to religious figures, and so on.

Who have been some of your heroes and heroines? I think the answer to that question can teach us a lot about ourselves.

Now, in the autumn of my life, I find I have no heroes.

Here’s Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph

There comes a time when it is entirely appropriate to give up your heroes. Especially when you don’t need them any longer. Of course, you never needed them in the first place. You just thought you did.

Your heroes and heroines served their purpose. But not in the way you may think.

Whatever heroes or heroines you were drawn to had a gift to offer you. The gift was the admirable qualities you saw in them.

We all know how the law of attraction works -- whatever you ask for is given. Or, as your Christian bible puts it, "Ask and you shall receive."

So, friends, the people you admire -- your heroes and heroines -- are simply your mirrors. You drew them into your lives because -- so you thought -- they had something you did not have. And you wanted that "something."

The truth is you already had that "something," whatever it was. But you didn’t know you had it.

So, as you moved through your younger years, you immersed yourselves in hero worship. Until finally you realized you needed no heroes.

This is the point in his life John spoke of when he said "Now, in the autumn of my life, I find I have no heroes."

You will all reach that point sooner or later. Some of you have already gotten there. It’s the point where you remember all you need is there within you.

Your "heroes" and "heroines" then become your higher selves -- your Goddess and God selves.

If you insist on worshiping, make it your higher self. Make it the person you want to become, the person you are becoming, fully aligned with that part of you that is God.

You need no one, nothing outside yourselves. There is nothing to seek, nothing to find.

All you seek is within you.

Since 1992, John Cali has been communicating with a non-physical entity called Joseph. In one of his many physical lifetimes, this spirit was incarnated as the legendary Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe in what is now the state of Oregon in the northwestern USA. These messages are a blend of information from Joseph, other spirits in the "Joseph group," and John.

Visit John's web site for more articles, information about readings, or to sign up for his newsletter, Sentinels of the Sky at

Article quoted from the Chief Joseph Newsletter, Conversations with Chief Joseph & John Cali, reprinted with permission of John Cali. Copyright © 2007 by John Cali. All rights reserved.

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