Sunday, December 02, 2007

In appreciation for a loving view of nature: Beyond the Fields We Know

One especially beautiful understanding I've learned from Abraham-Hicks is that we create by appreciating -- we not only attract it in our own experience of the world, but by loving it, we send the message out to the Universe: more please!

This is one of a series of posts sharing my appreciation for others who express their love in blogs or articles. John Cali and Chief Joseph in the post before this, and Cate in this one. In her blog, Beyond the Fields We Know, Cate shines her love on the earth to illuminate it for me with her photographs and words. I am soothed and inspired.

Here's her tender experience of a beaver pond near her home:

Freezing Over

I come here in early winter to be a witness as the beaver pond freezes over, to watch as ice forms in the trees along the pond, on the reeds along its perimeter and the brittle tumps of aquatic grasses which fringe the swimming channels of the resident beaver colony, now tucked warm and snug in its lodge out in the center of the pond.

Mere photos will never do justice to this place, and neither will my words, but here I am anyway on a freezing day, bundled up in my warmest winter gear with a camera slung around my neck and a noggin full of words which have icicles dangling from them.

The water is icy cold and clear, and it contains not only the dreaming landscape around the pond, but the whole blue winter sky - nothing whatsoever of this perfect day is left out, forgotten or willfully cast aside. In early morning, everything sparkles in the sun, and the light is so intense it is blinding - one can scarcely see a thing. Since I know the contours of these peaceful waters as well as I know the contours of my own two wrinkled hands, this being blinded is not a problem. It feels good to stand on the shoreline in the sharp winter light, thoughtful and all bedazzled - I am right where I should be.

These early winter visits are good times for revisiting the year; for remembering frogs singing at dusk in springtime, mud turtles sunning on their log perches in summer and deer coming down to the shore to drink, herons striding through the shallows in autumn and migrating geese winging their way overhead. This year, the water lilies were spectacular all summer long.

My pond may seem quiet, abandoned and forlorn at this time of year, but that is only an illusion - it's crowded with fur and scales and bright plumage, with flowers, wild musics and happy memories.

By kerrdeLune (Cate)


Beyond the Fields We Know [original photos, paintings, verbal meanderings and poetic scribblings] is an ongoing work of creativity and deep thought by its author, Catherine Kerr (c) 2005-2007, and all rights are reserved by her.

This post is reprinted with her permission. Thank you, Cate!


  1. Thank you for this! One of the finest things that can ever happen to one is to be able to see herself through the eyes of a kindred spirit, and reading this I have caught a glimpse of myself which is surprising and makes me blush.

    This is a wonderful eloquent thoughtful place to visit, and I come often. Thank you for being you!

  2. Hello Cate,

    I'm so glad you stopped by. Your pictures, words, and spirit really do nourish me. I just love animals and the earth and soak up the love you express for nature with much appreciation.

    I'm still working with the Abraham-Hicks information, but not sure yet how to continue with this blog. It's my pleasure to share with others the appreciation I feel for the lights that shine to us on the Internet.

    Blessings in the New Year, Cate!

